My Story

“The story behind the arrow”

SvN Arrow Clothing was created while serving a 7 year prison sentence in a Virginia state penitentiary for possession of firearms. Hints the name. SvN being an abbreviation for Seven.
Young and wild
with limited direction, I found myself headed down a long path. Prison was like no fight I had encountered. Surrounded by gangs, madmen, lunatics and hostile staff, it was a fight daily to stay leveled.
Unknownly prison would shape and change me for the better. In my solitude and quest for redemption I would find myself.
While in prison drawing, an arrow came to me which I believe to be a symbol of hope for people like myself, seeking to move in a new direction. When asked what SvN Arrow means to me, I proudly reply, “Resilience. Being able to bounce back after being pulled back for so long & finally being released to hit your target, just like a bow & arrow.”
It wouldn’t be long before that arrow changed its course again,
Aiming and shooting towards the field of childcare. On and off since the age of 16 I’ve worked with children at my aunt’s licensed center. She always told me I have a gift. Years later I realized that she was my mentor, I was following in her foot steps and that I really do have a gift and passion for working with children. My goal is to be a positive male example for the children. To love them unconditionally and help them develop into the best little person they can be, while at the same time giving parents a peace of mind while working and handling business, knowing their child(ren) are in good hands!
Like my Aunt, my childcare beginnings are humble. I started in my home with a 3 star license. I have a total of 9 children. We’ve quickly out grown our space and now looking to purchase our forever building!
Akil Aka Mr. Aj