
“The Arrow”

While serving 7 years in a Virginia state penitentiary for possession of firearms,
I drew an arrow and it instantly began to speak to me.
Hints the name, SvN being an abbreviation for the number 7.
Young and wild
with limited direction, I found myself headed down a long path. Prison was like no fight I had encountered. Surrounded by gangs and a hostile staff, it quickly became a fight daily to stay sane. 
Unknownly prison would shape and change me for the better. In my solitude and quest for redemption I would find myself and it would be the arrow I drew out of boredom that would help me.
The arrow is a symbol of hope for people like myself, seeking to move in a new direction. When asked what SvN Arrow means to me, I proudly reply, “Resilience. Being able to bounce back after being pulled back, just like a bow & arrow.”